Qigong & Ease

(8 Week Online Course, Self-Paced)

Step 1: Email me to let me know you’d like access —>

Step 2: Pay what you can via the button —>

OR ‘Buy me a Coffee’ (pay what you can) by clicking here —>

Step 3: I will send you the link to the classes via email. Enjoy ☺️🙏🏻

Get access to an 8 week self-paced online course practicing Qigong & Ease. Originally recorded as part of the Mindful Movement & Qigong Online Course during Summer ‘24.

These classes are now available as a pay what you can download, and are available on the basis of Dana (an ancient Buddhist concept meaning generosity & alms). These classes are the culmination of my studies and work so far on the internal arts of qigong and mindfulness, and although I want them to be available for everyone, I need your support to keep learning and sharing this work. The principle of Dana, of those receiving the practices paying what is possible for them with their current means, is what allows my work to continue at this time.

Please pay what you are able to afford for these classes, and if that is not financial in this instance, then they are offered to you with love, and so that you may also share in whatever way you can the bodhisattva aim of relieving the suffering of all beings.

Qigong & Ease

“I recently took a six week qigong/mindful movement course with Greg Jackson and found the experience to be very positive. Greg is a gifted teacher who embodies his practice very much. He offers a very natural mixture of being kind, present, coherent and knowledgeable whilst also making the atmosphere feel relaxed and fun. The practice itself is surprisingly energising and soothing.

As a mindfulness teacher [myself] - I really appreciated Greg s capacity to hold the group safely. I recommend Greg’s course to anyone looking for stress reduction or a mindful movement practice .

Erica Balfour, Dublin

How about giving a warm up a try?